ASW-308 Precision Tactical Rifle After-Action Report
This rifle engaged targets from 100-1116 yards with ease, placing sub ½ MOA accuracy on target with a team that understands rapid wind calls

Long Term APO Precision Rifle Performance
Exceptional shooting performance over the long haul attested to by year-long field evaluation at Sniper's Hide as well as results of put

Jr Shooters Win Snipers' Hide Cup
Congratulations to Cameron Burke (18) and Brock Lueddeke (15) Junior Division 1st Place Champions at the recent Snipers Hide Cup Team Challe

Junior Precision Rifle Team Member Harvests Deer at 475 Yards with APO 6.5CM SuperSport!
This year’s deer season was a very special one. My grandpa took all of us grandkids hunting. This was the first year all five of us were old

Junior Shooters Magazine's Youth Precision Rifle Team Sponsored by Ashbury Precision Ordnance &a
Ashbury outfitted the Junior Shooters Youth Precision Rifle Team with a fleet of APO SuperSport 6.5 Creedmoor competition rifles custom buil